Saturday 12 January 2008

Dnyanesh's engegement

On 5th January 2007, Dnyanesh got engaged to Mugdha.

It was certainly an interesting feeling to got engaged to Mugdha and both of us (i.e. Dnyanesh and Mugdha) had a great laugh on the ocassion. To me it was more interesting because I went to the engagement hall in my T-Shirt and Jeans simply to realise that I was the least dressed up person in the entire ceremony. Cunnigly I went and chaged me T-shirt with Zhabba (traditional Indian shirt for men) and it was after ages I wore something like that.....

The overall ceremony went pretty well and the people came had a good time etc. etc. Having said this thing the photographers were seriously proactive in taking photgraphs and made me and Mugdha gave lots of poses which both of us felt extremelly awkward about..But hey, I guess photographers get extra rush of adranelin when they entre such ceremony halls, and its almost impossible for you to not to be in compliance with them....

The wedding date is 20th April 2007...
